Founded in 2015 by Ashok Shastry (CEO), Rahm Shastry, and Amulmeet Chadha

Book | Track | Go

Got a car, but need a reliable driver to DriveU?

Hire private drivers for your car at your fingertips no matter where you are with our easy -to- use smartphone app.

Source: About DriveU (Accessed 6th September 2020)

Areas of Operation – 7 cities in India. Source: DriveU Homepage (Accessed 6th September 2020)

Onboarding – DocumentationDriving License, PAN Card [not necessary immediately but need to get one made within 45 days from onboarding]

Contract Types: Part Time

Parties in Work Relationship: Platform - Service Provider

Onboarding (Training): App Training, Soft Skill Training

Task Assignment: Algorithm

Rejection of Task: Can reject a task, and can cancel after accepting but in both cases there are situation-dependent penalties in place.

Payout Structure: Flexible - service provider dependent

Bonus/Incentive Structure: Exists and is dynamic dependent on the problems on the field that DriveU is seeing: "so we have to solve a problem, and not just incentivize for the sake of incentivizing." Example: DriveU has city-based festival based bonuses for their drivers (Diwali in Delhi, Pongal in Chennai) to incentivize drivers to take up more rides during that period.

Social Security/Benefits: DriveU has third-party tie ups wherein insurance and bike rental services advertise to drivers through the driver App - drivers can purchase if they wish to. Customers have an option to book trip-insurance which covers the customer, the driver, all the passengers, their luggage and the car. Insurance offerings for drivers was in the pilot phase - Jan 2020.